Grading Policy

Hopkinsville High School Grading Policy 6.1

The Grading Policy for Hopkinsville High School defines the grading and reporting policies and procedures that will ensure academic grades are based on clearly defined criteria representing the student's attainment of content knowledge and skills.

Hopkinsville High School gradebook will be utilizing continuous grading tasks.

Hopkinsville High School Teachers shall assign student's grades by utilizing the following Christian County Public Schools board approved grading scale:

  • A = 90-100
    The student is more than meeting the demands of the teacher. Assignments are completed by due dates, superior in quality, and shows mastery of subject matter. The student has the ability to complete assignments at a distinguished level and has a positive influence on the class.

  • B = 80-89
    The assignments are superior in nature and the required work is well done. The student meets the demands of the teacher, there is evidence of growth and the student exerts a positive influence on the class.

  • C = 70-79
    The student completes the work required at a satisfactorily level. The assignment is completed by the due date and exhibits average quality. The student demonstrates average evidence of growth.

  • D = 60-69
    The assignment is typically below grade appropriate level. There is slight evidence of growth.

  • F = 0-59
    The assignment is completed at an unsatisfactory level with little or no evidence of growth.

Missing Assignments & Assessments

Any assignments/assessments documented as incomplete will be marked as "missing" in the gradebook and students will be provided the opportunity to make-up incomplete assignments/assessments.

Students will be afforded the opportunity to attend morning and afternoon study hall/tutoring.  

Monitoring Grading Practices

Hopkinsville High School grading practices will be monitored utilizing the following methods:

  • Infinite Campus Gradebook Audits
  • Department Head Meetings
  • Student Grade Checks/Failures

Grading Practices Communication Plan

Hopkinsville High School will implement the following strategies to communicate grading practices to stakeholders:

  • Students will be informed of grading practices during the student advisory period, course syllabi, and in the student handbook.
  • Parents/Guardians will be informed of grading practices through parent conferences, parent night, and the website.
  • The community will be informed of grading practices through school website, handbook.
  • Teachers/Staff will be informed of grading practices through professional development, faculty and planning period meetings.
  • Counselors will be informed of grading practices through professional development, district counselor meetings and details shared by the school administrators.
  • Administration will be informed of grading practices through professional development and district Administrator Academies.