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Profile of a Graduate
Important Information
Attention Parents/Guardians:
Christian County Public Schools seeks to maintain a safe and orderly environment. Students transitioning from an alternative setting to a regular school enrollment are encouraged to focus on their academic performance.
Current policy states any student placement to an alternative setting will result in students not participating in school-wide functions. Based on policy 09.4341 Alternative Education, students assigned to alternative schools or programs for behavior-based infractions shall not be eligible to access extracurricular activities including, but not limited to sports activities, as allowed under applicable Board Policy, Code of Conduct, SBDM Policy, KHSAA rules or other alternative program standards adopted by the district.
Possible examples of school wide functions are listed below:
- Baccalaureate Ceremony
- Commencement Ceremony
- Prom
- Project Graduation
- End of Year Field Trips
- Class Events outside of Regular Instruction
15 or more Unexcused Absences Attendance Reminders
- Students who have (15) or more unexcused days and/or unexcused tardies will not be allowed to participate in baccalaureate commencement (graduation) exercises.
- Students who have (15) or more unexcused days and/or unexcused tardies will not be able to attend prom as a junior or senior or attend as a guest as a freshmen or sophomore.
- Students
who have (15) or more unexcused days and/or unexcused tardies will not
be able to attend project graduation as a graduate or as the guest of a
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KY Purple Star Program